Travel mistakes you may not realize that you make

Travel mistakes you may not realize that you make

When making your travel plans, there are so many factors that you have to keep in mind for your vacation to run smoothly and be enjoyable! For some, this can be quite stressful–especially when you don’t know exactly what you should plan ahead of time.

Usually you have to consider which airline tickets to buy, what hotel to stay in, if you should use a travel agency, your trip’s budget, and more. With so many components, it can feel too easy to make a mistake in vacation planning! With that in mind, we notice a few common travel mistakes that many unknowingly commit:

1. Overpacking

How many times have you returned from a trip, only to realize that you did not wear half of the clothes you packed? Instead of falling into this trap and worrying about luggage weight, focus on packing basic travel essentials for your trip that can be repurposed. Pack clothes that can be dressed formally or informally, multi-purpose shoes, travel-sized toiletries, etc.

2. Planning too many activities in one day

Far too often we see over-ambitious travelers packing their travel itinerary with a large number of activities each day. We understand you want to fit in as many attractions as possible during your vacation, but you must also consider transit time between activities, rest times, and meals! We suggest discussing with your travel companions your travel itinerary ideas, and collaborating to find a good balance between activities, rest, and meals.

3. Eating at touristy restaurants

If you find a restaurant near a major tourist attraction, it is quite likely that the food will be overpriced and average quality. Although sometimes less convenient, it is better to venture a bit away from tourist attractions to find a good restaurant in order to experience good local food at true local prices. If you work with a travel agency or travel planning service, like, you can verify in your itinerary that the restaurants chosen are local!

4. Not learning the culture or key phrases

If you are going to a country that does not speak your native language, it is usually respectful to attempt to learn a few key phrases in the local language, as well as typical cultural norms. This can help you get around much easier, while making locals feel respected.

5. Traveling with the wrong people

We get it. It can be hard to find the perfect travel companion(s) that share your interests, budget, and availability. But, when traveling with the wrong people, numerous conflicts over lodging, spending, itinerary, etc. can occur because of different interests. We suggest searching for travel companions that truly want the same as you do. There are so many travelers and nomads out there, that your travel-soul-mate(s) is definitely out there! When you join a trip with you can find the perfect travel companion that shares your needs and interests! 

With some simple adjustments, you can easily avoid these travel mistakes and have an amazing vacation! Instead of making any of these mistakes (or others!) again, explore the many different trips to join with for guidance towards an amazing trip with even more amazing people!

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