The Benefits of traveling by your own standards

The Benefits of traveling by your own standards

Have you ever had an amazing vacation but, after it finishes, you think “that trip was perfect except…”? Far too often, travels are next to perfect, but there are always regrets about the hotels, airline, your travel companions, your travel itinerary, etc. Whenever you travel with your own friends or family, you are sometimes accidentally trapped to follow along with their wants. Instead of falling into this trap of wasting your vacation days and relaxation on a trip that you are not 100% excited about, try traveling by YOUR own standards.

When you travel by your own standards, you can choose where to go, who to go with, what to do, where to stay, and more! You can choose if you travel alone or find travel companions that share your interests. But, you never have to give in to the wants of others unless it is on YOUR terms.

Here are some of our favorite benefits of traveling by your own standards:

1. You set your travel budget.

When you plan your own vacation, you get to choose if you want to go for budget travel and cheap airfare or enjoy luxury hotels and expensive restaurants! You do not have to feel forced to spend on something that does not excite you because your friend or family member wants it.

We suggest that, if you want to organize your travels with a companion, you choose your companion after deciding on your own personal budget. In this way, when searching for a travel companion, you can create a trip with your own standards already included!

2. You choose the activities.

Do you prefer vacations full of relaxation by the beach? Or, do you prefer historic walking tours? Or perhaps you prefer partying in famous beach clubs at night? Either way, you can decide!

When you choose your vacation, you choose your daily activities. We suggest that you join or create trips that will be with people that share the same activity choice as you! You can use the platform to join (or create) a trip that matches your daily activity standards! Say goodbye to conflicts with travel companions!

3. You decide where you travel.

Are you called to South-East Asia? Or Europe? Or South America? It is quite normal that everybody has their personal travel bucket list. And, it is natural that you do not share the same bucket list travel destinations with your family and friends.

When you travel by your own standards, you choose what your next travel destination will be and who you want to share it with. When you join a trip to a place that you have decided you want to go to, you are sure to love every minute of the vacation AND the destination.

Despite your personal travel wants and needs, when you travel by your own standards you are guaranteed an amazing experience! We suggest exploring the different trips offered with to find the vacation that fits your needs! If you cannot find a trip that meets your standards, create your own trip and meet travelers just like you!

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